Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Works on Poster Board

These recent pieces were hastily executed with acrylic paint on poster board. I have been making quite a few paintings like this, but chose to upload these two pieces because of the quality of the photo documentation and the pictorial content.

Magical Fruit

Magical fruit is a theme I have started to play with more after first coming up with the idea of "Feeding the Misfits". Perhaps now, the Misfits can grow their own food. The fruit itself is a purely positive thing, it will nourish and sustain life. Will Demon Man be able to share???

Zombie Apocalypse

The Zombie Apocalypse is a popular theme in pop culture right now with movies and TV shows such as "The Walking Dead" and  "Warm Bodies". This piece asks the question; what is the place of The Artist in a zombie infested future? Who does he create for? What and why does he record?