Saturday, October 9, 2010


where I'm at right now, sorry about the quality, its not easy to photograph and I have NO PATIENCE SON

this was a preliminary painting, it was very brisk.second or third reworking, just wasn't working for meglad to have it not so straight forward looking, ya know?

After I got back from working at camp this summer... I wanted to get right back to making art... there's a big painting I started at my folks house... didn't take any pictures of it... its not done, so no cookie for that one, and then I got back down to Savannah, and decided to make a painting about a tiny little sketch I did once upon a time of the pirates that constantly raid ships off the coast of Somalia. Had a lot of difficulty after my preliminary paintings...difficulty with the actual painting, making it "flow" making it feel natural. Just a lot of chipping away. We'll see if I accept it into my life.... my paintings, they have a 50/50 chance of surviving... I destroy a lot, or paint over completely a lot...or just hide bad paintings where I hope no one will ever find them.

I like this little guy