Monday, November 1, 2010

This is in progress, something I started in August. One of me mums friends stopped by and wanted to talk about my paintings... and it came up that my piece was loosely based around The Forge of Vulcan by Velazquez... and she asked why...I told her, and I guess it was just to get me going in some direction... The canvas itself had started as something completely different... and I hated it so I just started "slashing" at it pretty much, and sub-conciously,( you could even say, "autonomously") just started to draw what I could remember of the piece... It (The Forge of Vulcan by Velazquez) is quite an admirable painting... PERhaps, one of the most beautifully painted paintings ever... especially the still life elements. There is also another great Forge of Vulcan painting, "The Forge", by Goya, which can be seen at the Frick in NYC, it's part of the permanent collection, so it's not going anywhere, you should really check it out.

The Forge of Vulcan -Velazquez

The Forge - Goya

Just to throw it out there, The Forge of Vulcan centers on the moment where Hermes tells Hephaestus... that his wife, Aphrodite, is having an affair with Aries, yes, it's just too good. I like Hephaestus, he is the Artist of the Greek Gods in the same way the brother is the family artist in The Wedding Crashers. Look at him, just working away, no shirt, all dirty and them BAM, Hermes takes a dump on his day.